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C1 - Advanced MEC

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Unit 2, Lesson 7
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(T2-W7)Modal Verbs and Connectors of Contrast

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Modal Verbs and Connectors of Contrast

Learning goals:
CE.EFL.5.4.  Communicate effectively using a variety of media and formats, including ICT, by saying things in alternative ways and applying self-correcting and self-monitoring strategies when needed.

CE.EFL.4.17. INT Show an ability to convey and organize information through the use of facts and  details and by employing various stages of the writing process, while using a  range of digital tools to promote and support collaboration, learning and  productivity.


Learning activities:
2hrs: Topic presentation, giving examples and talking about situations where we can use the modal verbs and the connectors of contrast. Do the listening activity and complete the PDF.

3hrs: Imagine you are the writer of an advice column in a local newspaper. Your job is to answer letters that people write, looking for advice. A 17-year-old wrote you a letter. Respond to this person’s letter in 3 paragraphs: 1 introductory paragraph, 1 paragraph of support, and 1 conclusion paragraph. Write 80-100 words. Be sure to use modal verbs like should, could, and might as well as connecting words that show contrast like however, on the other hand, although, nevertheless.

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