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C1 - Advanced MEC

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Unit 2, Lesson 10
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(T2-W10) Writing: A Persuasive Essay

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Writing a Persuasive Essay

Learning goals:
CE.EFL.5.15. Plan and produce well-constructed informational texts by applying the writing  process and while demonstrating an ability to justify one’s position on an  argument through carefully selected information and appropriate  language, tone and evidence.


Learning activities:
2hrs: Explanation about how to write a persuasive essay, making examples and answering questions about it. Write a 1000-1200 persuasive essay about a topic you are passionate about following all the rules.

1hr: Read the link about an opinion essay and complete the 3 tasks on the page.

2hrs: Group activity. Make a video explaining how to write an essay and the different types of essays you can write. It should last 2-5 minutes.

Adaptaciones curriculares: