Emphasis: Cleft sentences, Inversion and Auxiliaries
Learning goals:
CE.EFL.5.10. Find specific information and identify the main points in simple,  straightforward texts on subjects of personal interest or familiar academic topics  while making informed decisions about one’s own reaction to the text.
CE.EFL.4.14. INT Display an ability to interact and engage with a wide range of ICT and classroom resources and texts by selecting and evaluating them in order to strengthen  literacy skills and promote acquisition.
CE.EFL.5.7.  Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use appropriate vocabulary and  language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and  level-appropriate purposes.
CE.EFL.5.9. Production – Fluency: Present information clearly and influence an  audience effectively through well-developed arguments in prepared  presentations and other forms of oral communication.
Learning activities:
2hrs: Oral exposition about what is emphasis in spoken and written English, how do we use it and when do we use cleft sentences, auxiliaries and inversion to emphasise. Complete the doc with 16 incomplete sentences.
1hr: Complete the worksheet with different grammar exercises about inversion and cleft sentences.
2hrs: Reading and Speaking activity: Read the article about fake news, complete the tasks. Record a 1 minute podcast about how to be careful with internet information we find.
Adaptaciones curriculares: