Unit 2, Lesson 1
In Progress

1. Fases del ciclo celular

Unit Progress
0% Complete

Create images illustrating the phases of the cell cycle, including interphase (G1, S, G2 phases), mitosis (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase), and cytokinesis. The images should depict the cellular changes during each phase, such as DNA replication in the S phase, chromosome alignment in metaphase, and the division of the cell during cytokinesis. Include visual representations of the cellular structures involved, like chromosomes, the mitotic spindle, and the division of the cytoplasm. The illustration should be educational, clearly conveying the dynamic process of cell division and its importance in growth, repair, and reproduction in living organisms.

Objetivos de aprendizaje:

CE.CN.B.5.3. Argumenta la importancia del ADN como portador de la información genética transmisor de la herencia, comprendiendo su estructura, función, proceso de transcripción y traducción del ARN, las causas y consecuencias de la alteración genética y cromosómica.


Materiales para la actividad:

Actividades de aprendizaje


Recursos adicionales

