Unit Progress
0% Complete

Pearl Harbor

Learning goals: OG.CS.1. Promote the construction of an authentic personal and social identity through the understanding of the historical processes and local, regional and global cultural contributions, depending on exercise freedom and autonomy in solidarity and commitment to the others

Resources: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFnA_K3xw4/KdtlhaW-Q9mXEPoU6BWG_A/edit?utm_content=DAFnA_K3xw4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Learning activities: Students will watch out a documental about the attack to Pearl Harbor from Japanese army, they will understand the causes and they will finish painting the territories that belonged to Germany during Nazi rule. ******** Students will visit Vincent Van Gogh museum************

Adaptaciones curriculares:
-M.M. 2
-D.V. 1