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Poverty and Indingence

Learning goals:
OG.CS.3. Understand the individual-society dynamic, for through the analysis of the relationships between people, events, historical and geographical processes in thespace-time, in order to understand the patterns of change, permanence and continuity of different social phenomena an d their consequences.

Resources: https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/ECU/ecuador/poverty-rate

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3UWDTJjnB0 g https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T-iBbPImSWDy-Gbg8rD77j4xMrxrErAWqRFVqWAI6fc/edit?usp=sharing

h https://educacion.gob.ec/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2018/08/Sociales-texto-10mo-EGB.pdf

Learning activities: Students will work on different aspects of poverty and indigence, such as causes, effects, or solutions, they will write them down on the notebook or Google doc. Students will learn rates of poverty in Ecuador, they will answer questions in spanish provided by the teacher from the book. Learning by doing: Students will create a plan to save their companions from poverty. Los estudiantes realizarán un plan para erradicar el nivel de fluidez económico bajo que pueda existir en el colegio.

Adaptaciones curriculares: