Unit Progress
0% Complete

Stock market 1929

Learning goals: OG.CS.1. Promote the construction of an authentic personal and social identity through the understanding of the historical processes and local, regional and global cultural contributions, depending on exercise freedom and autonomy in solidarity and commitment to the others.

Resources: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFnA_K3xw4/KdtlhaW-Q9mXEPoU6BWG_A/edit?utm_content=DAFnA_K3xw4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Learning activities: Students will expose their presentations about: The End of Poverty in Ecuador. Students have to make the draft of a comic they create based on the next events that happened during WWII.

Adaptaciones curriculares:
-M.M. 2
-D.V. 1