Unit 3, Lesson 1
In Progress

Diversity and unity of the world population

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Diversity and unity of the world population

Learning goals: OG.CS.3. Understand the individual-society dynamic, for through the analysis of the relationships between people, events, historical and geographical processes in the space-time, in order to understand the patterns of change, permanence and continuity of different social phenomena and their consequences.

Resources: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF1oxx8sCc/9CiZHWUgRs01-w7kAl7jZQ/edit?utm_content=DAF1oxx8sCc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

d https://www.statista.com/topics/781/poverty/#topicOverview

f https://www.planv.com.ec/historias/sociedad/uno-cada-cuatro-ecuatorianos-son-pobres-y-luego-la-pandemia-seran-mas

Learning activities:
Students will know about the population percentage of the country and some other countries from South America. Then they will research about the population and poverty percentage from 10 countries from Europe. Students will learn about: poverty, natural disasters, migration and diseases. Students will learn about statitics of poverty from their own country.

Learning by doing: They will choose a topic of their interest then they will make a word- search or puzzle or a short game with information of the global challenge they chose. Students will draw in a map from Ecuador the percentages of poverty in each province.

Adaptaciones curriculares:
– D.V. D.T.
– M.P.M. D.C.