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Roaring 20’s

Learning goals: OG.CS.6. Build a civic, critical and autonomous conscience, through the internalization and practice of universal human rights and citizens, to develop attitudes of solidarity and participation in community life.

Resources: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFlDC5BrOc/JRkBntR1MIJ-CKRo1DpQ5Q/edit?utm_content=DAFlDC5BrOc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Learning activities: Students will lear about Roaring 20’s. Volunteers will blow up some baloons in order to see them inflate this activity will introduce the Hiperinflation from German’s currency after WWI. They will make a list of all Home appliances they have at home in order to simulate the rise in prices. Later students will make a budget for a food day for a family with hiperinflation prices, this activity will help them to appreciate all the things qe have nowadays. Ss will learn about Stock Market. Teacher will project the Stock Market in live then they will see the changes at the end of the class. SS will write in a piece of paper a RIGHT they would like to become legal for them then they will see how women struggled for the right of voting.

Adaptaciones curriculares:
– M.M. 2
-D.V. 1