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Russian Revolution

Learning goals:
O.CS.4.2. Develop an overview of various historical processes of the humanity, from its origins to the 20th century, especially the evolution of the aboriginal peoples of America, the conquest and colonization of Latin America, its independence and republican life, in the context of colonial empires and imperialism, to determine its role in the world historical framework.

Resources: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFiZOWFZkA/0R3gUUiM3ZJ2OnEDmFvlnw/edit?utm_content=DAFiZOWFZkA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Learning activities:
4hrs: Students will learn about Czar Nicholas Romanov ii his family and his rule in Russia, his assassination and his family. Students will learn about consequence from postwar and the devastation that Russia suffered. Ss will know the causes of Russian Revolution and the beggining of II World War. Students will know the strange participation from Rasputin in Romanov’s family. Learning by doing: Students will work in a maze about Czar Nicholas ii getting his family, they will work in partners then the 3 first places will receive krugs.

Adaptaciones curriculares:
– M.M 2
– D.V. 1