Unit 3, Lesson 4
In Progress

Migration in antiquity and modernity

Unit Progress
0% Complete


Learning goals: OG.CS.3. Understand the individual-society dynamic, for through the analysis of the relationships between people, events, historical and geographical processes in the space-time, in order to understand the patterns of change, permanence and continuity of different social phenomena and their consequences.

Resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW9zC81poDc https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/net-migration-rate/country-comparison/ https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/charts/top-25-destinations-international-migrants https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iKJx_Ul6lqVzWxhDItdPqm_Tjrq15FNPlXxqcepucIQ/edit?usp=sharing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TIhhpp5DP0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D0DxdU9_KI

g https://www.primicias.ec/noticias/sociedad/migrantes-ecuatorianos-frontera-rumichaca-darien-estados-unidos/ https://www.canva.com/design/DAF3VgLD6vs/hWwjF4SPev0f_QAko-NhoQ/edit?utm_content=DAF3VgLD6vs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Learning activities: Students will finish their presentation in classroom. Students will be on small groups then they will choose the country , a role play and the situation to migrate for example: ” a Mexican Father with three children and a Master degree migrating to Canada. Then they will describe all the issues they have to pass through. Students will receieve a map of the world then they will mark the route of The Artic Tern bird in the map, students also will share their opinions about this attitude of the birds to migrate from one part to another. Students will choose a country from the world then they will research about its migration period. Artistic Expression: Students will express their understanding of migrations through art. This could be in the form of drawings, paintings, poems, or even short stories depicting various migration experiences or the beauty of migratory patterns.

Adaptaciones curriculares: