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Learning goals:O.CS.3.2. Critically interpret the historical development of Ecuador from its aboriginal roots to the present, emphasizing the economic, political, social, ethnic and cultural processes, the role of collective actors, regions and the dimension international, so that it is possible to understand and build their identity and unity in diversity.

Resources: https://create.kahoot.it/details/eb3061e7-66e4-4560-a81b-2d1e3855f104 j https://www.canva.com/design/DAF5IxkVKpg/gcm35VAeSDjzKau3gkgwEw/edit?utm_content=DAF5IxkVKpg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Learning activities: 2hrs: Students will expose their sketches about migration.
2hrs: Students will learn about globalization, they will complete some questions and learn about the progress of countries and challenges they have to face.

Students will learn through kahoot question some significances about globalization. After that they will share tehir opinion in class.

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